Notepad2 Modifications - Code Folding Usage Notes

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Keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F — Enables or disables the code folding feature

Ctrl+Shift+F — Folds/unfolds all fold points in the document (also available as a toolbar command)

Alt+Up/Down — Jumps to the previous/next visible fold point in the document

Alt+Left/Right — Folds/unfolds the fold point located on the current line

Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right — Folds/unfolds the fold point located on the current line and all descendent fold points (all fold points within that fold section)

Mouse commands within the fold margin

Click (on a fold point) — Folds/unfolds the clicked fold point

Ctrl+Click (on a fold point) — Folds/unfolds the clicked fold point and all descendent fold points (all fold points within that fold section)

Shift+Click (on a fold point) — Folds/unfolds the clicked fold point and all sibling fold points (all fold points located on the same level as the clicked fold point within the same parent fold section, if applicable)

Ctrl+Shift+Click (on a fold point) — Folds/unfolds the clicked fold point, all sibling fold points, and all of their descendants

Double-Click (within a fold section, but not on a fold point) — Folds/unfolds the parent fold point; the Ctrl and/or Shift modifiers can be used as well.

Note: Some of the features covered by this document were introduced in the 2009/07/11 build based on 4.0.22-beta3 and are unavailable in earlier builds.